In this Advancing sequence, you'll build stamina and patience through challenging standing balancing postures and inversions.
As always, work at your own pace and be "conservative"--meaning work diligently at your own edge, but stay safe and within reason for your body and skill level. This insures that you'll be able to come back to your mat tomorrow!
In this class, I talk about Abhyasa, a Sanskrit word that translates to "continual practice over a long period of time."
Savasana and rest in general are a HUGE part of what helps us continue to show up over the long haul. So don't skip it! There's space for at least 5 minutes at the end.
Up Next in Online Studio
23. Quick Tune Up 15 Minute Beginner ...
Even 10-15 minutes of yoga practice can be transformative for your outlook and body.
In this efficient class, you'll connect with your breath and move your DNA with standing postures and a short meditation at the end.
24. Sun Salutations A and B 30 Minute...
Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, are almost ubiquitous in yoga classes these days.
In this hybrid class/tutorial you'll learn about and practice Surya Namaskar A & B, including key alignment/safety points and variations to suit different bodies.
25. Handstand 15 Minute Intermediate ...
Learn the principle actions and alignment of Urdhva Mukha Vrkshasana (Handstand), including exercises and drills to build strength before you even kick up to the wall.
I also address some wrist releases and strengtheners so you can make Handstand a sustainable part of your asana practice.